Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Elizabeth L.'s Summer Photo Challenge

Hi all!
Happy September to you. Isn't this such a lovely month?

For the past few months I've been taking pictures for Elizabeth's photo challenge, and even though I didn't take pictures for all of the subjects, it was a lot of fun! Here are my pictures:

1. Sunset
Disclaimer: This is a Sunrise and not sunset, but somehow I haven't taken a picture of a sunset this summer (*gasp*) and I figured it was close enough. :)

 2. Reading
Both Little Women and Little Men. I love them so much!

3. What Summer Means to You
♪ "Cool 'n' green 'n' shady" ♪

4. Bubbles

5. Food & 13. Water Mellon & 16. Cool treats
Talk about 3-in-1! But it's food, water melon, and a cool treat. ;D

6. Water

7. Fireworks

9. Wild and Free

10. Fun in the Sun & 14. Flowers
I had "Fun in the Sun" growing "Flowers" in my garden.

Thanks for hosting it, Elizabeth! I hope every one's having a nice summer. Are you?
Love ~ S. F.


  1. Beautiful photos, S.F.! They are all so pretty! I especially love the "bubbles" and "water" ones. That water is soooooo smooth! <3

    1. Thanks! I do like how they all turned out. ♥
      ~ S. F.

  2. Every one of these is so lovely! I think my favourites may be the second and third...but I adore them all very much. You put your heart and soul into them. ❤

    Your sister,


Hullo there, friend! I am thrilled you are here. :)
Comments are always such a blessing.
Just remember Colosians 3:23–24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; … for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
To God be the Glory!
~ S. F.