Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Are you still there?
Oh, YOU ARE STILL THERE! :) I'm still here, too, even though it has been quiet for the last little while.

Via Pinterest. My handwriting is in no ways at all this good!
I am here to tell you that you can expect some short stories soon! I have one ready to share, but I don't have a picture to go with it yet. And also another that has to be edited, and then should be ready to share. :)

My thanks to you if you're reading this post. All of you are the best.

S. F.


  1. Hello! I have always been here! Obviously. OH, FINE. Teach me this necessary patience, friendly sister. LEAVE MY HUNGERING MIND TO CONTINUE ITS HUNGER. I can manage. *le delighted gasp* Well, short stories. . . . Where are you? Come now, don't be shy . . . step into my sight. <3 | Also, please none of the "my handwriting is in no ways at all this good!" Cheeky thing, you know that we all vary and that yours is MORE THAN FINE in comparison with (no offense) . . . that of . . . others. No, that did come across as rather rude. I meant it as a compliment to you, though. ^-^

    With anxiousness and love,
    Loyal Les xo

    1. Hello, mate and faithful commenter. I still haven't found a picture for the first one, but another one should be comin' up soon! :) Hm, well maybe it's better then some, but it is still not the best. =) Thank you.
      ~ S. F.


Hullo there, friend! I am thrilled you are here. :)
Comments are always such a blessing.
Just remember Colosians 3:23–24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; … for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
To God be the Glory!
~ S. F.