Monday, September 18, 2017

Poetry Leaves #1 - My Place of Solitude

With autumn soon coming, I find myself in a nostalgic state that always comes when the air grows cold and leaves begin changing colours. This year, however, it's different. Instead of just thinking, it's made me write. I want to finish those stories I've started. I want to write more poetry. I want to take myself out of a mindset of dreaming of the things I could discover on pen and paper and acting on those dreams instead.

I thought I might share a few poems on here. I can't guaranty how soon they'll be put up on here, but for now, here's my first poem:

photo from the Internet
My Place of Solitude

I know a place of solitude
It's down the road a stretch.
I can go there when I need to
Have a place to sort my thoughts.

It's a spot down at the river
Where it makes a little bend.
I found my special "Thinking Rock" there
For quiet reigns as king.

As the peaceful river
Goes gliding along
And the glow of the sun is reflected
Like a thousand diamonds in the water

It soothes and rests my soul,
And I can ponder the countless ages past
Or consider all that can be
In the days yet to come.

Time itself is apt to stand still
In my place of solitude.

1 comment:

  1. perhaps I neglected to leave a comment here when this post was fresh because after reading your poem I felt as I do now upon reading it again: UTTERLY #SPEECHLESS.

    like, I would buy an anthology of your poems if it cost me—dare I say all my savings? •-•

    in love with you + your enamouring gift with words,


Hullo there, friend! I am thrilled you are here. :)
Comments are always such a blessing.
Just remember Colosians 3:23–24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; … for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
To God be the Glory!
~ S. F.