Monday, October 13, 2014


Dear readers,

My friend Elizabeth Lindsay is having a photo contest and today's the deadline so I had better hurry and enter! We were to "photograph something in creation that demonstrated a certain character quality." I chose "Endurance," "Sensitivity" and "Vision".

 ~ Endurance ~
These flowers have endured much, but still look beautiful!

 ~ Sensitivity ~
This little blue parakeet was a brilliant friend. But now he has passed onto a better place. You can guess why I have this picture for "sensitivity".

 ~ Vision ~
This one speaks for itself.

Those are my entries. :) Plus another friend shared the tip for using a plastic bag to give a foggy look to pictures. I tried it with a rose and it turned out great!

 That's all for now, folks!


  1. These are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are an awesome photographer S.F!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kara! :) You are, too. And after all, the inspiration for the pictures of the rose came from you.
      ~ S. F.

  2. (I would like to echo Kara's comment) (something else you are: one of my top photographic inspirations) <3

    1. You dahling! Aww, you're a top inspiration for me, too.
      ~ S. F.


Hullo there, friend! I am thrilled you are here. :)
Comments are always such a blessing.
Just remember Colosians 3:23–24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; … for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
To God be the Glory!
~ S. F.